Wednesday, November 17, 2010

HighLight Video

The wait is over! The first Element Phoenix Lich King downing is now on Youtube! Experience the excitement

Monday, August 2, 2010

Screenshots and Vids

Videos of Element Phoenix's Raids

Sindragosa 10 vs EP

Sindragosa Trash Respawn

Mistblade Receives Thunderfury

EP vs Putricide 10(Phase 3)

EP's Saturday ICC 25

First Marrowgar kill for Element Phoenix - screenshot

Old Video of Guild First Naxxramas Completion back in October 2009:

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

EP Assaults Ruby Sanctum

Attention Guildies!!!! Please watch and read this before you try the Ruby Sanctum Raid.

Ruby Sanctum Guide

Thursday, June 10, 2010

EP Information

Recruitment Requirements for Element Phoenix:

With the focus towards guild progression and growth of our aspiring guild, I believe it is best for Element Phoenix to establish guidelines with regards to expectations of newly recruited members. This will also pertain to the best practices with recruiting new people into the guild (with the exception of friends, alts, or casuals with no intention of raiding). I would like to start by saying that we have a very strong guild thus far; and we want to make sure that those getting into Element Phoenix need to be those that can be the very best towards our end goals of becoming recognized by the other guilds on our server both Alliance and Horde.

Knowing what we Need:

EP is a guild requires a good class diversity towards the process of filling a 25 man raid with little use, if any, of PuGs. The primary use for PuGs for EP is to network and meet new individuals for invitation/trial to the guild. If we see a person performing well in a raid, it never hurts to tell them how well they are performing and ask if they would prefer a more regular spot in one of our raids for continued experience. Determining which classes are needed can be a little different as well. While we have a guild filled with Paladins, we could use to accept some applicants that are Retribution as a main specialization. Officer/Raid Leader discussions, in detail, will determine the required classes for current recruitment.


Certain expectations will be placed on those focused towards attaining the more difficult progression for Element Phoenix.


  • On probationary “trial” status for 2 weeks (recommended 4 wks)
  • Must run a daily heroic with at least one Officer two days out of each week
  • Must participate in at least one guild event per week of trial status (ie, Weekly, Retro Run, VoA, Holiday Activity, PvP/Arena Matches, etc)
  • Must not act/speak in an inappropriate manner in PuGs or General/Trade Chat.
  • Must proactively participate in daily heroics to gear for acceptance to raids.


  • Minimum 2-4 weeks before Officers may motion for promotion.
  • Must run participate in at least two guild events per week
  • Must not act/speak in an inappropriate manner in PuGs or General/Trade Chat.
  • Must proactively participate in daily heroics to gear for acceptance to raids.
  • Must consult with an Officer/Class Leader about proper raid spec, dual spec, and raid mods required of Raiders/Epic Raiders.

Raiders/Epic Raiders:

  • Must participate in at least three or more guild events per week
  • Must not act/speak in an inappropriate manner in PuGs or General/Trade Chat.
  • Must choose Dual Spec for your focus and work towards having proper Hit/AP/Spell Power/Haste for versatility during raids.
  • Must be informed on fights to be attempted the night before and ask questions before raid time the day of the raid. (ie, watch TankSpot, read forums/guild website on strategies for our particular raid make-up)
  • Must attend or try to find a replacement (if cannot attend) to raids signed up for on the Guild Calendar.
  • Must be logged on 10-15 minutes prior to raid time to be ready for early invites/summons/materials gathering.
  • Must have applicable raid mods installed and up to date.
  • Must have vent and use for Raiding.


  • Must participate/host at least 2 or more guild events per week
  • Must not act/speak in an inappropriate manner in PuGs or General/Trade Chat.
  • Must choose Dual Spec and gear accordingly for versatility.
  • Must have working knowledge of various builds and knowledge of stat priority.
  • Must assist in consultations with new members with their orientation towards establishing their role in the guild (Which raid team they are on, raid build they should use, mods they should try, what dual spec is best for the guild right now).
  • Must be informed on fights to be attempted the night before and ask questions before raid time the day of the raid. (ie, watch TankSpot, read forums/guild website on strategies for our particular raid make-up)
  • Must attend or try to find a replacement (if cannot attend) to raids signed up for on the Guild Calendar.
  • Must be logged on 15 minutes prior to raid time to be ready for early invites/summons/materials gathering.
  • Must have applicable raid mods installed and up to date.
  • Must have and use vent for Raiding.
  • Must assist with recruitment (Unless a recruitment Officer/Leader is appointed)

Loot for new recruits:

So we can maximize the progression of Element Phoenix, it is vital to make sure gear is going to those individuals that have consistently raided over new members as a nod toward the seniority those dedicated raiders deserve.

  • Rookies, if recruited pre-geared for raids and attending raids with the guild, will be restricted to only receiving loot if no main spec raider requires it.
    • Officers/Epic Raiders/Raiders get priority to roll before Rookies can MS Roll for gear.
    • This means Rookies MS rolls DO get priority over off-spec rolls and, of course, gear being disenchanted for the guild bank.

Gear Requirements:

Everybody always wants to know this aspect of getting into a new guild. “What gets me in the raid to get the loot?” Well, we all know that gear is not always a determining factor of skill in a raid. I will discuss further what makes a good raider under the Experience section. However, we will need to emphasize that those looking for a permanent spot in our raids need to earn that spot. Heroics/Crafting can make it easy to attain these very fair requirements. Here is a guideline of some potential requirements after further discussion:

  • ICC 25:
    • Minimum GS 5400
    • Item level 232 gear or lower enchanted with enchants worth 12 pts or higher on
    • Item level 232 gear or lower gemmed with rare (blue) or higher gems.
    • Proper gear held in bags for Duel Spec.
  • ICC 10:
    • Minimum GS 5200
    • Item level 215 gear or lower enchanted with enchants worth 10pts or higher on
    • Item level 215 gear or lower gemmed with “green” or higher gems.
    • Proper gear held in bags for Duel Spec.
  • ToC 25:
    • Minimum GS 5000
    • Item level 215 gear or lower enchanted with enchants worth 10pts or higher on
    • Item level 232 gear or lower gemmed with rare (blue) or higher gems.
    • Proper gear held in bags for Duel Spec.
  • ToC 10:
    • Minimum GS 4500
    • Item level 215 gear or lower enchanted with enchants worth 10pts or higher on
    • Item level 232 gear or lower gemmed with rare (blue) or higher gems.
    • Proper gear held in bags for Duel Spec.

The other old-content raids and guild events, such as the weekly raid, will be made to primarily assist new members in getting gear to help them gear for the guild progression content. Thus, such raids will not have any gear restrictions as long as we can still down the bosses.

Recruit's Guild Note:

· Please make a note in the recruit’s info box upon invitation to the guild:

o Who invited the rookie?

o What date was he/she invited?

o Main Spec/Off Spec?

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Recent activity in the guild. Videos for raids will be posted here. Recent members and achievements in the guild will be logged here as well.

Welcome New Guild Recruits

Please watch videos before going to raids. Linked below.

Rotface Video

Putricide Videos

Valithria Dreamwalker Video

Blood Princes Video

Blood Queen Lana'thel

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Element Phoenix is a guild that currently does 10 man raids. We are starting to get big enough to make a second 10 man group which will turn into a 25, but for now we are purely 10-man.

Raiding Times - We actively run ICC10 on Fridays 11:00pm and Sundays 8:30pm. We also do ToC10 and started working on ToGC10. We do a weekly pug ICC25 with as many guild members as possible starting at 10:20 or 11:20.

Raid Signups - Every Tuesday the Progression raids are put on the calendar for the week. Guild members can sign up for them on the calendar whenever the event goes up.